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New airport opens in Texas
CONROE, Texas — Chennault Airfield (25TX), which will be the new home of Chennault Aviation Academy, is hosting its grand opening Nov. 16, 2023. The public is invited to the event and to tour the airfield, which is nearly completed with phase one of its development. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Glad to see it.
I would think that with hangar space being impossible to find these days, this airfield will be financially successful. Just a guess...
No run up areas and poorly drawn taxiways. It looks like you access the approach ends by taxiing across the tie down area and ramp or by back-taxiing. The architect needs to set down with a pilot.
My thoughts exactly. There must be hangars for 500 aircraft, and only two taxiways for access. (Or is that just a graphic of storage lockers from the architect's library?) What they show will never work. Have you ever tried to taxi down a line of hangars where 1 or 2 aircraft have been pulled out to fly?
New airports necessary to handle ever increasing airlines/aircraft in the skies and facilitate passengers on already overutilized facility. Addition is always better for improving services, training, job creation and general economic activity. Adding an airport is great jump in developing air travelling as well as area and business activity.
According to the "rendering", there isn't a taxiway to the approach end of 17. You know what they say about "runway behind you".